Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Cake

There is a party at our friends house every memorial and labor day, so this year I decided I would put my cake decorating classes to good use.  I started by making two tiers and covering them in fondant and then making a flag out of them. For My first time trying I think it turned out good. So now I know how to master it for the 4th of July!

Bottom Layer of Cake

Getting ready to cover top layer

Top Layer
Stripes added and cake assembled
All Finished!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Isn't a day off supposed to be relaxing?

So the boy and I took off today so we could have a 4 day weekend.  Well it began with both of us waking up at 5 and baiting the trotline. Then off to the marina it was to go crabbing. We got out there and put our line out. Ran it a couple times and then the wind picked up and we were taking waves over the bow.  We picked up and moved. No crabs in the new area and we had enough to eat for lunch so we just packed it up and came home. 
We steamed our catch and they tasted great. I absolutely love gunpowder crabs! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There's an app for that!

Just found the Blogger app so now I can post from my phone. Maybe now there won't be such a lull in posts.   There has been so much happening I will just start fresh! 

Stay tuned for all this weekends memorial day events...