Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011 - Hello 2012

My last blog post of 2011.  I know I haven't posted as much as I wanted, but time just catches up with me.  I do love reading everyone else's.

My 2011 is going out pretty shitty.  My boyfriend and I broke up right after Thanksgiving so Christmas and now New Years is going to suck.  I lost my best friend and person I did everything with.  So hopefully 2012, I will find someone who is awesome and loves me for who I am. 

So my life has been upside down for the last month of trying to find a place to live, my mother also moved from where she was living.  All in that we had to find a place for the horses to go too!  She found a great little apartment on a farm where the horses are going and the place is beautiful.  There is a huge ring and plenty of trails, plus people riding all the time.  The barn managers are a hoot also!  So my plan for 2012 is to ride much more often and get back to why I enjoyed riding.  I want to show again, just in local hunter stuff.  Get my confidence back up and go out hunting with the girls.  I used to be fearless - now I learned I don't bounce too well.

I am going to set some goals for 2012 - like everyone else I hope to succeed at some and will fail at others.  One good thing is I quit smoking over three weeks ago.  Now it was done with medical help, but it has worked, so I want to stay quit for 2012.
  • Ride more often!
  • Eat better
  • Lose weight hopefully from being more active with the ponies and eating better.
  • Do things I want to do!  (I have a problem with saying NO to people)
  • Make sure I treat people the way I want to be treated all the time!
  • Hopefully find love again (not really a goal but a wish)
  • Work hard and try to save some money up.
  • Make new friends!
  • Oh and blog more!
So everyone hug your love ones a little closer tonight as we go into the new years with new hopes, dreams and wishes.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beautiful Night

The sun set I got to snap a picture of when I got home from work tonight. The sky has been amazing lately.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

I made a mistake!!!

I thought the Ladies Sidesaddle was tonight at the PA National Horse Show but it is Wednesday in the day so I will not be able to attend.  I'm sorry that I will not be able to pictures!!  If any one is able to make it, please take pics for me.  Hopefully the video will be working and I can watch it on the computer!

A Sweet Treat

One of my best friends turned 31 on Friday.  Her and I go way back with our ponies.  She called me up and her and I went to movies and dinner on Friday.  I made her some cupcakes so she would have something on her birthday.  Here is one of the Sunflower cupcakes.  This one was not finished.  I actually went back and added little dots to be the seeds.  This was my first time doing Sunflowers.  I don't think it turned out half bad.  It also can double as a Black Eyed Susan so I must do these again for the Preakness!

I then did a cake because her family was having people over for a little cookout.  I wanted to do mums on the cake but did not have the tip I needed so she got some fall colored roses.

Just thought I would share some pics of the sweets.  I really do enjoy making them!

What is a Roarer?

I'm doing this blog in a response to HunterRider4eva's question in my comments from my last blog entry.

Here is a link for a long winded version.  Mine will be the short version!

My mare Squeaky was diagnosed a Roarer when she was younger around 5 years old.  You see it in horses when they are put into work.  She was taken to New Bolton to have the tie back surgery done.  She also demolished the treadmill up there.  I was not her owner at the time but they apparently put them on the treadmill to imitate being in work.  She flipped out and busted out of it.  This has led to a life long fear of loading and unloading on a straight load trailer.  She will load like a pro on any side ramp trailer but ask her to load from the rear and its a fight not worth fighting.

She had the surgery but my guess is that it didn't tie it back all the way.  I rode a showed her all through Pony Club from when she was about 9 to 13 then gave her away for a little while and got her back when she was about 16.  She was always a little loud but when I got her back the second time it was worse.  The lesson barn she was in used draw reins on everything...  She just wants to put her nose to her chest and evade the bit.  All that hard dressage work I had in her was gone.  She just went around in this fake headset.  I have tried many bits and exercises to get her back but the roaring is really noticeable when she goes in any sort of frame.  If you let her keep her nose poked out as far as possible she doesn't roar as loud.

I don't really know what my plans are with her at this point.  She is basically semi retired and we just do an occasional jot around the ring.  If she was more fit she probably wouldn't make as much noise but it never did affect her performance.  You just heard her coming!   Hope the link above answers your question!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

PA National Horse Show

Today kicks off the beginning of the Pennsylvania National Horse Show held at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, PA.  You can see the schedule here.  My Mom and I just might hop in the car and head up for Hunt Night on Monday night.  A couple of friends of mine are showing and we just clipped the one horse that are headed up.  Plus the Ladies Sidesaddle Undersaddle is that night as well. 

I want to one day be able to say I showed there.  That is my dream.  I have most of my stuff for sidesaddle but I am lacking the horse.  I know I have some friends that would love to see their hunter go around so maybe someone will loan me one to ride.  If my mare wasn't such a loud roarer she could do it, but we sound like a freight train coming 'round the bend.  I had once tried to get in Local day at Washington in the jumpers and in the warm up ring, I met a guy that used to train her when she was young.  He told me two things - she always hated her flat work and if you went and popped her over something she was much happier and she was always too loud for the hunter ring.  We did okay at the local shows but would of never put her in at a big show.  Plus I never had the money!

I got a little off track there.  If anyone is going to Hunt Night let me know and I will post some pictures when I get back. 

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bad couple of weeks for my spine...

These past couple of weeks I have found out that I have some issues with my spine.  This started off by seeing my chiropractor for a general tune up.  I explained to him that I had been having some headaches that start off by a vibration in the base of my skull that work into a major headache usually on the left side of my head.  He asked me to get a cervical x-ray.  The next day I went and had them taken and dropped them off for him to look at.  The normal spine has a nice curve.  Mine has two reverse curves in it which makes my C-1 almost touch the base of my skull and C-7 be 45 mm out from where it should be.  Wow...  We think this has been like this for a long time and was caused from a fall.

I am blaming it on when I fell off my pony in 1996 and they thought I broke my neck but after countless tests, they determined it was my growth plates making shadows on the x-rays.  So now I am in traction twice a day for my neck.

The next week, the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend, I was getting out of the shower to go to work and put my leg up on the side to dry off.  As soon as I bent down - OUT went my back.  I mean bad.  I almost collasped on the floor but tried to stay upright so I could make it back to my bedroom.  I woke my boyfriend up crying in pain.  We were short on phone coverage.  So I barely made it to my car and winced in pain when having to take my foot off the brake or gas.  I made the 50 min drive and hobbled to my office.  The ladies in my office were laughing at me but felt so sorry.

I made it thru the day and went straight to my chiropractor on the way home.  I was have major trouble lifting my left leg to make it walk.  It was like I had no control over it.  I went home straight to bed armed with my ice pack.  The next day no change but still manged to get thru work.  Went to the doc again and still no better.  Thursday and Friday I took off to stay off my feet.  I did go to my doctor for pain management and she ended up sending me for a MRI.

Friday went to the MRI.  I was feeling better enough to be sorta walking upright again.  I got the results the next week and I have two bulging discs between L-4 & L-5 and L-5 & S-1.  I had a consult Friday of this week.  Almost a month later.  My back is still sore but much better. 

The doctor at my consult said :

No riding my horse until my back is stronger.
Time to lose some weight again.
Excercises and physical therapy.

So time for my Mom and I to go to the gym and really watch what I eat and get really healthy.  Its so hard but I need to do this for me cause like the dr said, I'm 29 and two worn out discs already so thats not really good. 

Anyone else out there suffering from this and what have you done to help your spine?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

29 years in review

Today is my birthday...  My last birthday before I turn the big 30.  I can say that I have had my ups and downs and life has been cruel to me sometimes, but it has made me the person I am.

29 years ago my Mom gave birth to her only child.  Dad wanted a boy but was happy with what he got.  Everyone thinks since I was an only child I was spoiled but my parents worked hard for what little money they got and my life long hobby was started with ponies.  My Mom begged and borrowed and I always had a free lease pony to ride.  I showed and showed and got involved with USPC and moved thru the ranks.  Dad was happy that his young girl worked hard and was more of a tom boy because she wasn't afraid to get dirty. 

My Dad and uncle had a pulling tractor and I was always at the pulls with them.  I did the horses with my Mother and the Pulls with my Father.  I wish I knew then what I know now, that those late nights in the shop and at the pulls would be some of the best memories with my Dad.

I was a pretty good kid, didn't get in trouble, always had a job and worked hard.  I didn't play sports in school because I had the horses at home.  Most kids would be out late on Friday nights, I was home getting the horses bathed and ready for a show or rally the next day.  My summer vacation was to USPC championships and my parents took their time off from work to take me there. 

I had lost most of my grandparents when I was young so they didn't get to see all my accomplishments.  Hell my only grandfather living didn't even come to my wedding. 

At 19, I got married.  Thought everything was great. Married for 3 years then he wanted a divorce.  I left and went back home.  I was bitter and angry.  I survived and found out that I could still have fun, I was young.

At 21, my Dad was first diagnosed with cancer.  He was such a strong man and I thought he would be there for me forever.  I went with him to a lot of his appointments and chemo treatments.  I was always very close with my Dad. 

At 23, I lost my Dad.  I don't think I have fully grieved for him yet.  It's been 4.5 years since he has died.  I had to be strong for my Mom.  I made all his arrangements and took care of everything.  My boyfriend at the time and I moved in to stay with my Mom.  I changed rolls from being the daughter and became the Mother.  Eventually things did not work out between all three of us and we all went our seperate ways.

At 26, I met one of the greatest guys I know.  We started dating and everything just clicked.  There is no fighting, getting mad, storming off.  We have a great relationship and he supports me in everything I want to do.  I love this boy with all of my heart.  We are still searching for a place to buy but hopefully soon we will find something.

Now if only my body will keep up.  I have had some weird shit happen to me over the years.  I have learned how to deal with everything and keep going. 

List of things I have had or have: 
Bells Palsy
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Latest things to add:  two bulging discs in my lower back and my neck has two reverse curvatures that we are treating with traction.  Had not been a good two weeks for my spine.

Most days I feel old but I try to make the best of them.  I don't know what this next year will bring but I hope it treats me well and I make the most of it.  So tonight I am celebrating my last birthday ever (lol) with good food and great friends and the love of my life.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sorry for not writing...

So it has been over a month since I last wrote - bad me for not keeping this up to date.  In this past week we have had a hurricane and an earthquake.  Talk about exciting! 

Unfortunately I didn't get to feel the earthquake as I was driving to John's Hopkins for a laser treatment.  I get to the hospital and there are people standing everywhere on the streets.  The security guard said we could not go in until they cleared the building.  I was just hoping they did not cancel my appointment!  It was a 5.8 that was centered in Mineral, Virginia.  I have seen posts from one on my friends on Facebook that they have since had 19 aftershocks.  She lives in VA also.  The Middle and High school in her area will be closed the rest of the year!  That's crazy to have this on the east coast.

Next on the roster was hurricane Irene.  She was not particularly nasty to me but she has done some major damage on the coast.  I know some places in NY and VT are getting hit hard.  We only lost our power for about 16 hrs but some people are reporting that they won't get it back till Friday.  I know they are grumping about it but if you know a linemen, Thank them.  They are working backbreaking hours just so you can have your TV back on and AC.  Think of the people that were hit by Katrina and then you won't complain so much!

I am on a little bit of a rampage today...  Drivers are another one making me angry because they are going to cause accidents when you come to a light and they are out and not treating it like a 4-way stop!

Okay vent over...

I passed my hunter safety course so I will be able to get hunt this year with the boy.  I am very excited and hope to stock up on some meat for the freezer!  Deer tacos will be in my future. 

This weekend will also be our two year anniversary and two labor day parties.  Can't wait for a fun filled long weekend. 

I did make a cake for our good friend Brian last weekend of a bushel basket of crabs.  It turned out cute but wouldn't classify it as being awesome.  I know of things I can improve on.  I will also be making a stars and stripes cake for the party as well.

So I hope to keep this updated more often and I hope to have lots of pictures to upload.  Sorry for none in this post.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Some pictures around our friend Brian's farm when we were helping him put up straw.  Enjoy...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good bye my friend...

A little history...  I got my puppy back in the fall of 2001.  A little border collie puppy who was the last of the litter to be sold.  When I went to see him he quietly came to my feet and sat.  That would be the beginning of a long relationship with this dog.  The family that was supposed to buy him never came so I was lucky enough to get him.  He was born on a dairy farm and when we left there we went straight to pet smart to pick him out some toys and stuff.  The only thing that perked his interests was a stuffed animal cow that moo'ed when you squeezed it.  I named him Dillion.

Loved waiting for his stick to be thrown in the water
 He was a fast learner and very smart dog.  Was house trained from the time I got him.  Rang the bell on the door when he needed out and loved going to obedience class.  When he was about 9 months old, I got married and we settled in our new house on our farm.  He loved playing outside and of course barking at the pigs, but he also loved to be lazy and lay on the chair and would sleep in bed with me when I wasn't feeling well. 

We then moved home to my parents after my divorce and he got to be with his buddy Odie for the next 6 years.  They loved each other dearly and the two were brothers at heart.  He always kept a watchful eye over the house and kept my grandfather entertained by just throwing the ball ALL DAY LONG.  I began living with my boyfriend and was not able to take Dillion with me and my mother had to sell her house and could not take him with her either. 

I tried many options but Dillion was not the easiest dog to place with a person that would love him as much as I did.  The only other person that I knew that understood his personality was my ex-husband.  I called and asked him if he would like to take him.  He immediately said yes.  It was the hardest day of packing up my home that was sold and giving away my best friend who has been through everything with me but I knew he would have a good home. 

Dillion fit in with my ex's life immediately.  They have 3 little boys that he adored and slept with them everynight.  This past Sunday on June 26th, he called to tell my that Dillion passed away.  They had went to church and came home to find his lying by the back door.  He was 9 years old.  I am guessing that he had a heart attack and I hope that he passed peacefully and did not suffer too much.

He has two families that will miss his smiling face everyday.  Rest in peace my beloved "heart" dog.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

View from up top

The horses had there feet done yesterday so I thought I would hop on Squeaky for a quick ride. She was ouchy so we just mainly walked. Just a chance to snap a couple of pics.
Butter was out in his field pissed that he wasn't involved. He calmed down shortly after realizing she wasn't leaving him.  Maybe I will have the energy to get on him tonight!

Butter waiting for his lady to come back
My beautiful old lady

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Crab-tastic Weekend!

Jason did not keep his mouth shut!

This past weekend the Boy and I started off by leaving Saturday morning at 4am to go crabbing out of Dundee Creek Marina.  We have been crabbing here the last 4 weekends and have been averaging about a half bushel each time.   This time we went to a new place to set out our trotline.  It was raining a tiny bit as we headed out but that tapered off (thank goodness).  The little bugs and nats down there are horrible.  They were hitting my face and getting stuck to my forehead as we were on plane heading out.  I had to remember to keep my mouth shut!!! 

Headed out!

We did good on Saturday of catching a bushel of good 6 inch sized crabs.  Nice and big and only had to throw back about 2 dozen that we caught.  We left the water about noon and came home and steamed them up.  We ate what we could then started picking the rest to make crabcakes on Sunday.  We got 2.5 lbs picked to use for the cakes!  Here are some of the pics of the crabs we caught!

On Sunday we had a lazy day that consisted of sleeping in, making breakfast, sleeping some more, making lunch, taking a nap and making dinner.  Somewhere in there I got Jason's nephews' cake decorated for him making it thru pre-K.  The teachers theme this year was Carebears.  My Mom had a 3-D carebear cake when I was little so this was the perfect time to break it out and make a cake with it.  If I felt better I would of spent more time being careful but I was worn out and wasn't in the mood to decorate.  But Lance was happy so thats all that mattered!  

Next weekend we will be crabbing down the Wye River so hopefully everything goes well!  I also need to get on my pony tonight and hope the weather holds out!  So little time to fit everything in.  I will also post pics from the goose rig that we just got last night!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting back on schedule

So now that butter is home from his 60 days of boot camp, the horses are back in work and that means so am I.  I plan on riding one everyday and longeing the other. Moms shoulder is pretty messed up so she can't ride with me. I rode squeaky last night and she went really well. Have to start working over fences and build my confidence back up. It's been too long since I jumped and I plan to get back to showing. Wish me good luck!



Friday, June 3, 2011

What's that?

Red Eye

Last night, Jason and I were fishing down off the bridge on our road. We were catching lots of sunfish and red eyes and one small mouth bass when all of a sudden I spoted this thing floating down the creek.  I started yelling cause I was thinking to myself that is a really big lampery eel like the one we caught last week. But when I looked closer it was just a beaver!  So we thought that was cool and went back to fishing. About 10 mins later another one was swimming around. I ran and got my phone and was excited to get some pictures of them.  I don't know where they are living because nothing is damed up. It should be interesting if we see them again.

Smaller beaver of the two we saw

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Cake

There is a party at our friends house every memorial and labor day, so this year I decided I would put my cake decorating classes to good use.  I started by making two tiers and covering them in fondant and then making a flag out of them. For My first time trying I think it turned out good. So now I know how to master it for the 4th of July!

Bottom Layer of Cake

Getting ready to cover top layer

Top Layer
Stripes added and cake assembled
All Finished!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Isn't a day off supposed to be relaxing?

So the boy and I took off today so we could have a 4 day weekend.  Well it began with both of us waking up at 5 and baiting the trotline. Then off to the marina it was to go crabbing. We got out there and put our line out. Ran it a couple times and then the wind picked up and we were taking waves over the bow.  We picked up and moved. No crabs in the new area and we had enough to eat for lunch so we just packed it up and came home. 
We steamed our catch and they tasted great. I absolutely love gunpowder crabs! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There's an app for that!

Just found the Blogger app so now I can post from my phone. Maybe now there won't be such a lull in posts.   There has been so much happening I will just start fresh! 

Stay tuned for all this weekends memorial day events...

Monday, April 18, 2011

So much to update...

Where to begin....  Last time I wrote I just finished the ISSO clinic.  Boy was I sore.  It took me a couple of days to recover.  Then it was on to my other Mother's wedding. 

The week before the wedding, we scheduled a spa day at Spa of the Valley in the Hunt Valley Towne Center.  Linda the Bride (other mother), my mother, Mandy (Linda's daughter) and myself met for massages, facials and mani pedis.  It was so relaxing and all of us had a great time.  Then we met up with some other girls and went to dinner down Baltimore City at Pazo's.  That was an interesting dinner!  I am very picky and this place was so not my type.  I had to eat with caution ALL night.  But I was a good sport and found some things that I liked.

Final cake for cake decorating class

That week, Mandy and I also finished our basic cake decorating class at the Cake Cottage.  We learned how to do a basket weave and we assembled our roses on the cake.  I was very proud and found really liked doing the basket weave.  It looks so much harder than it actually is!

Linda and Ron's wedding was very low key being held in Little Italy, so we got the wild idea of making the wedding cake ourselves.  I think we were crazy for taking it on but after a week of stressing, everything turned out great!  Here are some pictures from the wedding.  I loved getting dressed up and I don't do that very often!

The whole cake was decorated with buttercream

Bride and Groom chocolates that I made
Jason went fishing the morning of the wedding while I was getting my hair and makeup done, so of course we had to get a picture with the catch of the day.

Classy Catfish!

Jason and I

My favorite picture
I will post more when I am feeling better.  I will go into my skin problems and how I am trying to control my life and not let it get the best of me.  Hope everyone is doing well and I will post soon!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Non-stop weekend!

I am finally winding down from this super busy weekend!  After finishing up at work on Friday, I headed to the barn to get everything packed and ready to go in the trailer for this weekend clinic with the ISSO

Saturday around 11:30 my Mom and I headed up to North East, Maryland.  We got there early to watch the lesson before mine.  All the ladies looked great!  Got my pony all tacked up and we did another saddle fitting and my saddle does not fit my mare at all.  So after borrowing some saddles we found one that would work.  Miss Barb was kind enough to let me ride my lesson in it.  She has a Swain and it is so much more comfortable than my Whippy.  In this lesson we worked on position and getting a solid base. 

I find it so hard because I will be concentrating on what the instructor is telling me and work on correcting one thing then another thing will go out of whack!  So once I get a saddle that fits me and my horse, we will be ready to practice and get stronger.  Yesterday felt a little unbalanced and very bouncy.  Today we felt much more in sync and put together.

Now I need to find another sidesaddle and be able to go and show some local hunter shows!

I also got my cakes baked for this week's final class!  I will post pictures when that is finished.  But I am not looking forward to going to the MVA tomorrow to get my car switched over and new drivers license.  Fun fun... 

Stay tuned for my next post on updates!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life as I know It: First time Blogger!

Life as I know It: First time Blogger!: "I decided that I want to start blogging about everything going on in My Life as I Know It! So bear with me because this should be inte..."

First time Blogger!

I decided that I want to start blogging about everything going on in My Life as I Know It!  So bear with me because this should be interesting to say the least.  It will cover everything from Horses to being a Health Coach to doing cake decorating and a little bit of everything else.  So I hope you enjoy the ride!

This week has been so busy and it's only Wednesday!  Since the weather is finally getting nice around here I am getting back in the saddle again.  I have a weekend clinic with ISSO up in North East, Maryland.  My Mom and I got Squeaky all spiffed up and looking like the diva she is.  Now hopefully the rain they are calling for won't make the weekend too miserable.

So I am very excited that the show season is starting soon.  I do hope to go to some and just show sidesaddle at the local hunter shows.  I know I will be getting some looks but I can't wait to help show off how truly elegant it is!

Also in this busy week, I hope to be able to spend some time with my wonderful boyfriend Jason.  As spring comes both of us are busy doing our own things, the only time I get to see him really is after 8 pm every night when I come home!  I really want for him to come up and watch my lesson on Sunday.  Since it will be raining he can't go fishing!  Lol

We were catching bait fish and kept getting tiny catfish in our net!
Well I have lots more to post but will have to do it later when I am on my computer with lots of pictures.  I will continue to keep updating My Life as I Know It!