Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good bye my friend...

A little history...  I got my puppy back in the fall of 2001.  A little border collie puppy who was the last of the litter to be sold.  When I went to see him he quietly came to my feet and sat.  That would be the beginning of a long relationship with this dog.  The family that was supposed to buy him never came so I was lucky enough to get him.  He was born on a dairy farm and when we left there we went straight to pet smart to pick him out some toys and stuff.  The only thing that perked his interests was a stuffed animal cow that moo'ed when you squeezed it.  I named him Dillion.

Loved waiting for his stick to be thrown in the water
 He was a fast learner and very smart dog.  Was house trained from the time I got him.  Rang the bell on the door when he needed out and loved going to obedience class.  When he was about 9 months old, I got married and we settled in our new house on our farm.  He loved playing outside and of course barking at the pigs, but he also loved to be lazy and lay on the chair and would sleep in bed with me when I wasn't feeling well. 

We then moved home to my parents after my divorce and he got to be with his buddy Odie for the next 6 years.  They loved each other dearly and the two were brothers at heart.  He always kept a watchful eye over the house and kept my grandfather entertained by just throwing the ball ALL DAY LONG.  I began living with my boyfriend and was not able to take Dillion with me and my mother had to sell her house and could not take him with her either. 

I tried many options but Dillion was not the easiest dog to place with a person that would love him as much as I did.  The only other person that I knew that understood his personality was my ex-husband.  I called and asked him if he would like to take him.  He immediately said yes.  It was the hardest day of packing up my home that was sold and giving away my best friend who has been through everything with me but I knew he would have a good home. 

Dillion fit in with my ex's life immediately.  They have 3 little boys that he adored and slept with them everynight.  This past Sunday on June 26th, he called to tell my that Dillion passed away.  They had went to church and came home to find his lying by the back door.  He was 9 years old.  I am guessing that he had a heart attack and I hope that he passed peacefully and did not suffer too much.

He has two families that will miss his smiling face everyday.  Rest in peace my beloved "heart" dog.

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