I'm sitting here in the dark writing this post on my phone so please forgive me if auto correct does something wonky...
Hurricane Sandy has just made landfall off the shore of New Jersey. I'm located in northern Harford county about five miles from the Conowingo dam. Its been raining steady since early this morning. The wind has picked up pretty bad. We haven't had any trees come down yet but we also haven't gotten the most severe wind yet either.
So we have decided its better for the horses to be turned out for the storm. The barn is an old bank dairy barn and I'm not sure how well it will withstand the wind. Plus a lot of the stalls have flooded. One stall even had a piece of plywood blow into the stall. Its good that that horse was not in cause he would of probably ended up getting a nail in his hoof. All the fields except for two have run in sheds and the mares have been making use of them. The geldings would rather graze.
So I will try to update in the morning to see what effects of the storm have done to the farm. Everyone on the east coast stay safe.
Also saw a link on Eventing nation that had a bunch of listings for if you need to evacuate your horses.
You did the right thing lots of horses died during Katrenia bc they were in stalls.
Thanks. That's what some people don't understand. When locked in they can not get away from the danger.
Stay safe!
Totally agree about turning the horses out!
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